Sunday 21 September 2014

Mind, body, spirit and wellness psychic fayre

I didn't plan on going to the fayre, I planned on having a quiet Sunday at home but on my way home from work on Saturday I got handed a lil leaflet advertising an "all things psychic" fayre and it really intrigued me so I went the next morning and dragged mum along. 
   The Faye really was wonderful! There was stalls all around selling crystals, vintage clothes, psychics, tarot readers, crystal healers and so on. I was truly in my element and for once I didn't feel out of place and like an outsider as everyone was so welcoming and friendly, I didn't feel judged like normal whenever I walk the streets! I couldn't help but pick up these lovely lovely crystals/chakra stones - I cleansed them as soon as I got home but I haven't had chance to work with them yet as I've been so busy with college!

I spotted a sweet lil' lady sat by a stall and something intrigued me about her and it turned out she was  a fortune teller! I've always wanted to have my fortune read but I've never been old enough but as I've just recently turned 16 now I finally could! She was so accurate and lovely, she said she can see my reaching my goal and being able to work for myself whilst working with children, a marriage in the future with a small family possible 1-2 children and the part that interested me the most was the fact that she said she could feel a psychic sense from my aura and she told me to work on it - I've always been interested in psychics, tarot reading and palm reading so when I have a bit of free time I'm going to look into it! 

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